Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Can I ask you a question?

Last night my daughter mentioned that school starts in three weeks. What? Three weeks? Ack! That means I start in three weeks too. How did that sneak up on me so fast? Anxiety attack - breathe. Ok, so in three weeks I will begin my student teaching. So I started thinking that I should seek out some advice. Who better to ask than people who have been there before, right? So, what is your advice as I begin this new chapter. What did you wish someone had told you before you started? What is the one piece of advice you wish you had been given?


  1. I student taught many many years ago. However, I wish someone had told me before I started student teaching to do it your way, not your mentor teacher's way. My mentor teacher was a worksheet queen and I am a hands on girl. I tried to teach her way and the kids and I were miserable. I switched and things were so much better. You have to make it work for you.


    1. Thank you Cindy. That is one of the things I was wondering about. I am hoping my mentor is similar to what I hope to be, but it is good to know I can change things a bit too.

  2. I had a great mentor teacher and I really learned alot from her. Alot of the things I do in my room are idea's I got from her. She really taught me what I wanted to do and also what I didn't want to do. If I could go back in time I would have taken more pictures of her room and things that I liked. I'm such a visual person and I know I have forgotten some things over time. Keeping a journal is also a cool thing to do. Then you can go back and re-read it later to remember things.

    I am nominating you for the versatile blogger award. Head over to my blog to recieve your award! :)

    Diving Into 2nd Grade

    1. Thank you Jean. I am such a picture taker anyway (scrapbooker here) so I want to take pictures to remember my student teaching experience. I will just need to remember my camera!

      Thank you for the award :-).

  3. I contacted the school I did my first placement at and asked to come in the day before to help my coordinating teacher with final set-up prep.

    I also (it was a requirement) kept a journal where I kept notes on everything from ideas, to suggestions, to seating plans, etc. I continued to keep one each year afterwards while I substitute taught. It was a great resource!

    Arrive and leave each day at least half an hour before/after the kids. In most schools this is a requirement, but make sure you do, it helps make the day smoother so you're not rushing.

    Ask to teach! My cooperating teacher didn't have me up front by myself soon enough or often enough. She had trouble giving away the control!

    Take pictures! I dubbed my camera the official idea stealer, and took pictures of anything and everything in her classroom and other teachers. I made the mistake of only taking pictures of bulletin boards at first. Take pictures of the kids doing activities you created (from behind or hands only, or crop out faces later if will be online). Visit every classroom.

    Hope this helps!

    Mrs.D Reading with Mrs. D

    1. Thank you Mrs. D. I am going in on Monday to meet with her for the first time. I have let her know to tell me if she needs any help, being an old (as in past, not OLD) parapro I am used to diving in and helping where needed.
      We have to be there the contract hours, which is 1/2 an hour before and after the students. The timing works perfectly with dropping my teen (a senior this year, yikes!) at school first then heading over.
      Thank you for dropping by!

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